Just In Time For The Most Overengineered Calculator

>> Why march the AST and interpet? Just compile lol.

Posted on | 3571 words | ~17 minute read


stas was great. I want something more. I am obsessed with making another programming language. So, I’ve been looking around and learning what’s needed to do so. Language and compiler design, ASTs, expressions, all of it.

As an exercise for myself, just to test what I know, I created a very simple statement based/imperative programming language. Called tl or tiny lang it compiles to x86_64 intel assembly to be compiled with GCC.

“tiny lang”

It’s incredibly simplistic, typeless, and unsafe. In other words, perfect.

The creation of tl and it’s compiler were used to learn the basics of conventional AST based compilers. The tl compiler is split into 3 equally small files, the lexer, parser and code generator.

proc main {
    r = 0;

The simplest program in tl is quite similar to C.

int main {
    return 0;

You cannot declare any variables, as there are a limited amount of predefined ones.

s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5 | Stack variables
a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 | Argument variables
r                      | Return variable

The stack variables are used to store local values. Use the argument variables to pass values to function calls, expect them to be destroyed on return. The return variable is used to pass return values on return.

All values are computed as unsigned 64 bit numbers, no negatives here.

Since function calls do not return values (they use the built in return variable), they are not expressions. So, the call keyword is used to call a function.

call function; // default call

s0 = function;
call s0; // use expr

There is only one builtin function, print. It is used to print the value of one number in a0. Define a function using the proc keyword, declaring an array of values is also supported using the data keyword.

The syntax is similar to C with some alterations. Only certain complex constructs like while loops and if/else statements are supported.

proc addsome {
    r = a0 + a1;

proc main {
    a0 = 10;
    a1 = 15;
    call addsome;
    if r > 20 {
        // greater

    r = 0;

Index expressions are possible too.

data my_data {
    1; 2; 3; 4;

proc main {	
    s0 = 0;
    while s0 < 4 {
        a0 = my_data[s0];
        call print; // print value

        s0 = s0 + 1;

    r = 0;

Anyway, check it out on Github-right-here for a better explanation and source code. /examples here too!

Regardless, it was pretty fun. Turing complete also. However, this post isn’t about tl.

It’s about jitcalc.

Just In Time.

Okay, I know how to generate expression trees. Forget programming languages, I want to make a calculator.

That’s boring though. I need a twist.

To speed up interpreted languages like lua, JavaScript, C# and the like, most implementations employ Just-In-Time compilation. Instead of the language’s runtime interpreting functions when they are used, they compile it straight down to native machine code during execution.

The fastest language runtimes with a JIT would continuously analyse the program and identify “hot paths” of code where the performance improvement gained from executing a native compilation and it’s overhead compiling it would be quicker than a straight interpretation.

Instead of interpreting an expression passed to the calculator, I want to evaluate the expression by creating a native machine code program at runtime and then execute it.

So the game plan is:

  1. Read a line from the user.
  2. Parse it into an expression tree.
  3. Traverse the expression tree generating native machine code.
  4. Execute the function generated.
  5. Print out the return value.

Let’s make a calculator.

String To Tokens

Lexical analysis is a important step that cannot be skipped. It converts all of the word, numbers and special characters into tokens that can be understood by the runtime/calculator.

>>> 10 / 77 + (2 + abc)

Collections of characters like + or 2002 should be told apart by the lexer with each token’s “kind” being the addition operator and the number 2002.

This lexer has a special property. Whilst showing the current token parsed in .tok, it allows the next token in the sequence to looked ahead to in .peek.

The respective .tok_lit and .peek_lit are used to display the string representation of the token in the cases where it’s kind is a number or an identifier/variable name.

enum Op {
    // special
    eof uneg 
    // literals
    ident // `abc`
    num   // `222`
    assign obr cbr
    add sub mul div mod

struct Lexer {
	line string
	pos int // line[pos]
	tok Op
	tok_lit string
	peek Op
	peek_lit string

The entire lexer is extremely compact with it’s entire implementation being 55 lines.

 1fn (mut l Lexer) get() !(Op, string) {
 2	for l.pos < l.line.len {
 3		mut ch := l.line[l.pos]
 4		l.pos++
 5		if ch.is_space() { continue }
 7		mut word := ''
 8		op := match ch {
 9			`+` { Op.add    }
10			`-` { Op.sub    }
11			`*` { Op.mul    }
12			`/` { Op.div    }
13			`%` { Op.mod    }
14			`=` { Op.assign }
15			`(` { Op.obr    }
16			`)` { Op.cbr    }
17			else {
18				mut isnum := true
20				l.pos--
21				start := l.pos
22				ch = l.line[l.pos]
23				if !((ch >= `a` && ch <= `z`) || (ch >= `A` && ch <= `Z`) || (ch >= `0` && ch <= `9`) || ch == `_`) {
24					return error("Syntax Error: unknown character `${ch.ascii_str()}`")
25				}
26				for l.pos < l.line.len {
27					ch = l.line[l.pos]
28					if (ch >= `a` && ch <= `z`) || (ch >= `A` && ch <= `Z`) || (ch >= `0` && ch <= `9`) || ch == `_` {				
29						l.pos++
30						if isnum && !(ch >= `0` && ch <= `9`) {
31							isnum = false
32						}
33						continue
34					}
35					break
36				}
37				word = l.line[start..l.pos]
39				if isnum {
40					Op.num
41				} else {
42					Op.ident
43				}
44			}
45		}
46		return op, word
47	}
48	return Op.eof, ''
51fn (mut l Lexer) next() !Op {
52	l.tok, l.tok_lit = l.peek, l.peek_lit
53	l.peek, l.peek_lit = l.get()!
54	return l.tok
import readline

fn main() {
	mut r := readline.Readline{}
    for {
        mut l := Lexer {
            line: r.read_line(">>> ") or { break }

        l.next()! // parse next token
        if l.peek == .eof {
			// zero input tokens, just read again

        for {
            if l.tok == .eof {

With some driver code, lexical analysis works like a charm.

>>> hello = 10 + 2 / 10 - abc
ident           hello
num             10
num             2
num             10
ident           abc

Tokens To Math Expression

Abstract Syntax Tree, or AST, is a tree representation of the syntactic structure of a target programming language. It’s an incredibly invaluable data structure in compilers.

Forget the jargon, it makes sense when you see how it’s used and created.

With each expression below, they generate an expression tree with respect for each operations order.

4 + 2 * 10 + 12
  / \
12   +
    / \
   4   *
      / \
     2  10
10 * (2 + 8) + 3
  / \
 3   *
    / \
  10   +
      / \
     2   8
a = -(10 + 2)
  / \
 a  -u
  / \
 10  2

Each node inside the expression tree has two sides, a left and right hand side. It also contains the nodes type and it’s literal value if needed.

struct Expr {
	lhs &Expr = unsafe { nil }
	rhs &Expr = unsafe { nil }
	op  Op
	val string

In a V version coming soon, expect recursive structs with Option types. For now though, nullable pointers are perfectly fine.

lhs ?&Expr // if lhs := node.lhs { }
rhs ?&Expr // if rhs := node.rhs { }

Pratt Parsing

Writing a handmade expression parser from scratch, abiding by operator precedence, was something I had to learn myself. I stumbled upon a technique called Pratt parsing. This article, Simple but Powerful Pratt Parsing by maklad, was extremely helpful at outlining it’s structure.

I then came across another implementation of a Pratt parser in the V compiler source code, expr.v.

Spy is a truly a V saint. Follow him on GH here!

The entire expression parser is implemented in 61 lines.

Calling the expr() function once will return the root node the parsed expression tree. It supports bailing out and returning a syntax error as it appears.

 1fn expr(mut l Lexer, min_bp int) !&Expr {
 2	l.next()!
 3	mut lhs := match l.tok {
 4		.num, .ident {
 5			&Expr{op: l.tok, val: l.tok_lit}
 6		}
 7		.obr {
 8			o_lhs := expr(mut l, 0)!
 9			if l.next()! != .cbr {
10				return error("Syntax Error: expected closing brace")
11			}
12			o_lhs
13		}
14		else {
15			match l.tok {
16				.sub {
17					r_bp := 7
18					&Expr{
19						rhs: expr(mut l, r_bp)!,
20						op: .uneg
21					}
22				}
23				else {
24					return error("Syntax Error: expected identifier or number")
25				}
26			}
27		}
28	}
30	for {
31		if l.peek in [.eof, .obr, .cbr] {
32			break
33		}
34		l_bp, r_bp := match l.peek {
35			.assign {
36				if lhs.op != .ident {
37					return error("Syntax Error: cannot assign to a value literal")
38				}
39				2, 1
40			}
41			.add, .sub       { 3, 4 }
42			.mul, .div, .mod { 5, 6 }
43			else {
44				return error("Syntax Error: expected operator after value literal")
45			}
46		}
47		if l_bp < min_bp {
48			break
49		}
50		l.next()!
52		op := l.tok
53		lhs = &Expr{
54			lhs: lhs,
55			rhs: expr(mut l, r_bp)!,
56			op: op
57		}
58	}
60	return lhs

The Easy Way Out

Now that you have an expression tree, what you do with it is your problem.

Write a recursive evaluator? Print the tree out? Generate code? Anything.

For reference, I have created a function to evaluate the tree recursively.

It starts at the root node and recursively calls eval() on it’s children. It also supports assignment expressions with a symbol table passed alongside the current node.

>>> 2 + 2 * -5
>>> a = 10 / 2
>>> a
 1fn eval(node &Expr, mut symtable map[string]i64) i64 {
 2	return match node.op {
 3		.ident  { symtable[node.val] }
 4		.num    { node.val.i64() }
 5		.uneg   { -eval(node.rhs, mut symtable) }
 6		.add    { eval(node.lhs, mut symtable) + eval(node.rhs, mut symtable) }
 7		.sub    { eval(node.lhs, mut symtable) - eval(node.rhs, mut symtable) }
 8		.mul    { eval(node.lhs, mut symtable) * eval(node.rhs, mut symtable) }
 9		.div    { eval(node.lhs, mut symtable) / eval(node.rhs, mut symtable) }
10		.mod    { eval(node.lhs, mut symtable) % eval(node.rhs, mut symtable) }
11		.assign {
12			symtable[node.lhs.val] = eval(node.rhs, mut symtable)
13			symtable[node.lhs.val]
14		}
15		else { panic("unreachable") }
16	}
19fn main() {
20	mut r := readline.Readline{}
21    mut symtable := map[string]i64
23	for {
24        mut l := Lexer {
25            line: r.read_line(">>> ") or { break }
26        }
28        l.next()!
29        if l.peek == .eof {
30            continue
31		}
32        root := expr(mut l, 0) or {
33			println(term.fail_message(err.str()))
34			continue
35		}
36        v := eval(root, mut symtable)
37		if root.op != .assign {
38            println(v)
39        }
40    }
fn march(node &Expr, dep int) {
	if isnil(node) {
	if dep != 0 {
		c := dep - 1
		print("${` `.repeat(c * 3)}└─ ")
	match node.op {
		.num, .ident { println("`${node.val}`") }
		else         { println(node.op) }
	march(node.lhs, dep + 1)
	march(node.rhs, dep + 1)
root := expr(mut l, 0) or {
march(root, 0)

I also implemented a function to print out the tree recursively starting at the root.

>>> 2 + 2 * -5
└─ `2`
└─ mul
   └─ `2`
   └─ uneg
      └─ `5`
>>> 10 + 50 / 2
└─ `10`
└─ div
   └─ `50`
   └─ `2`

Generating Native Machine Code

I’ve created a basic API to aid in generating native machine code functions at runtime.

create_program() .comment() .reset() .finalise() .hexdump()

.ret() .write64() .mov64_rax() .mov64_rcx()

These are just base functions, they don’t do any complex opcodes. You are meant to implement higher level ones yourself.

fn main() {
	mut prg := create_program()



	function := prg.finalise()

W^X (write xor execute)

Each function does a lot of work behind the scenes to ensure proper code execution.

Allocating memory with a plain C malloc() and then trying to execute code inside that is simply not possible.

The instruction pointer residing in any part of that memory will cause a segfault. Why?

All memory addresses handed out by the kernel are part of virtual memory mapped pages with their own fine grained permissions. All memory handed out by default memory allocators usually do not ask the kernel for memory with a permission to execute code within, it’s a security risk if they do.

Even if allocators did, they would be stopped dead in their tracks.

All serious operating system kernels implement something called W^X or write xor execute. It is a security feature where every single page of memory avaliable to a program can be either writable or executable, but not both. Without W^X, a program can write CPU instructions in an area of memory usually for data then run those instructions. It’s especially dangerous if the writer of memory is a malicious actor.

Two problems to solve: How do we allocate a page of memory to store instructions in, then make it executable?

C Territory

V does not provide a built in method for low level control over raw pointers of memory. You must step into C to do it yourself. Luckily, V’s C interop is effortless. Use the mmap(2) and mprotect(2) C functions to do this.

#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <unistd.h>

fn C.sysconf(name int) i64
fn C.mmap(base voidptr, len usize, prot int, flags int, fd int, offset i64) voidptr
fn C.munmap(ptr voidptr, size usize) int
fn C.mprotect(addr voidptr, len usize, prot int) int

// create a JitProgram struct and allocate suitable pages
fn create_program() JitProgram {
    // `len` variable contains the CPU dependent size of a memory page in bytes.
	len := C.sysconf(C._SC_PAGESIZE)
	if len == -1 {
		panic("create_program: sysconf() failed")

    // allocate zeroed memory with read and write access
	ptr := C.mmap(0, len, C.PROT_READ | C.PROT_WRITE, C.MAP_ANONYMOUS | C.MAP_PRIVATE, -1, 0)
	if ptr == -1 {
		panic("create_program: mmap() failed")

    // manually and unsafely create a fixed u8 array using the special memory page
	code := unsafe {
		array {
			element_size: 1
			data: ptr
			cap: int(len)

            // The array flags `.nogrow` and `.nofree` were added to V by me.
            // I realised the need for truly static arrays, and implemented them in a PR.
            // PR: https://github.com/vlang/v/pull/16661
			flags: .noshrink | .nogrow | .nofree

	return JitProgram {
		code: code

type JitProgramTyp = fn () i64

// return a function pointer with the code generated
fn (mut p JitProgram) finalise() JitProgramTyp {
    // play by W^X's rules and change the current memory protection of the pages to read and execute
	if C.mprotect(p.code.data, p.code.cap, C.PROT_READ | C.PROT_EXEC) != 0 {
		panic("JitProgram.finalise: mprotect() failed")
	return unsafe { JitProgramTyp(p.code.data) }

What You Came For

Time for the hard part. Generating machine code.

This style of code generation is inspired by tl, which in turn I obtained inspiration from the V native backend.

After you call the gen() function it will generate code leaving the result of it’s tree expression inside rax register. The left and right hand sides of nodes can be easily chained together to create decent code with little complexity in code generation.

The gen() function goes like this for a basic infix expression such as expr + expr.

  1. gen(node.rhs), value of the right side resides in the rax register.

  2. push rax, storing the value of the right hand side on the stack.

  3. gen(node.lhs), value of the left side then in the rax register.

  4. pop rcx, storing the saved value of the right hand side in rcx.

  5. The left hand side now resides in rax and the right, rcx.

  6. add rax, rcx, performing the operation and leaving the resulting value in rax like a gen() call should.

Even if you don’t get it initially, just press on.


The function generated should be able to access the symbol table containing all of the variables, it can do this with raw pointers.

Inside V though, you cannot get the address of a map value, they must be boxed.

struct Box[T] {
	v T

// type Symtable = map[string]i64
type Symtable = map[string]&Box[i64]


Just like the eval() function, gen() will take a similar recursive route.

This is the skeleton implementation for the gen() function.

It first handles leaf operations like a literal number or variable name, and the assignment operator.

If it doesn’t match any of the above, it then generates code for both the left and right sides keeping them in rax and rcx respectively. Then it will handle math operations, leaving the result in rax. The gen() function can continue recursing, leaving the result of each expression in the tree in rax. This is what glues it all together and leaves code generation for a register machine like x86_64 incredibly simple.

fn gen(node &Expr, mut prg JitProgram, mut symtable Symtable)! {
	match node.op {
		.num, .ident, .assign {
		else {}

	gen(node.rhs, mut prg, mut symtable)!
	// expr in `rax`

	if node.op == .uneg {

	prg.comment('push rax')
	prg.code << 0x50
	gen(node.lhs, mut prg, mut symtable)!
	// expr in `rax`

	prg.comment('pop rcx')
	prg.code << 0x59

	// left hand side in `rax` and right hand side in `rcx`
	// handle infix operation with `op rax, rcx`

	match node.op {
		.add, .sub, .mul, .div, .mod {
		else {

	// ending `gen()` with result in `rax`

Implementing The Rest

Together, lets implement the rest of the code.

You should know a decent amount of x86_64 assembly, don’t worry about the bytecode.

I use nasm and ndisasm to extract the bytecode of x86_64 assembly instructions.

bits 64
add rax, rcx
sub rax, rcx
imul rax, rcx
mov rax, 0xDEADBEEF
$ nasm f.asm -o f -O0 && ndisasm f -b 64
00000000  4801C8            add rax,rcx
00000003  4829C8            sub rax,rcx
00000006  480FAFC1          imul rax,rcx
0000000A  B8EFBEADDE        mov eax,0xdeadbeef

No Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer Manual(s) needed!

Then, I just copied and pasted the bytes as needed…

match node.op {
	.add {
		prg.comment('add rax, rcx')
		prg.code << [u8(0x48), 0x01, 0xC8]
	.sub {
		prg.comment('sub rax, rcx')
		prg.code << [u8(0x48), 0x29, 0xC8]
	.mul {
		prg.comment('imul rax, rcx')
		prg.code << [u8(0x48), 0x0F, 0xAF, 0xC1]
	.div, .mod {
		prg.code << [u8(0x48), 0x99]
		prg.comment('idiv rcx')
		prg.code << [u8(0x48), 0xF7, 0xF9]
		if node.op == .mod {
			prg.comment('mov rax, rdx')
			prg.code << [u8(0x48), 0x89, 0xD0]
	else {
if node.op == .uneg {
	prg.comment('neg rax')
	prg.code << [u8(0x48), 0xF7, 0xD8]

Implementing value literals like integers and variables aren’t too hard either.

For variables, I simply move the address of the enclosed value to the rax register, then dereference it.

The assign operator is similar. The right hand side of the equals sign contains the expression, and the left, the variable name.

The right hand side is generated, with the expression’s result in rax. Then the variable’s address is moved into rcx, with rax finally being written to it’s location.

See both in action below…

match node.op {
	.num {
	.assign {
		gen(node.rhs, mut prg, mut symtable)!
		if node.lhs.val !in symtable {
			symtable[node.lhs.val] = &Box[i64]{}
		prg.comments.last().comment = 'mov rcx, &${node.lhs.val}'

		prg.comment('mov [rcx], rax')
		prg.code << [u8(0x48), 0x89, 0x01]
	.ident {
		if node.val !in symtable {
			return error("Gen: identifier `${node.val}` not defined")
		prg.comments.last().comment = 'mov rax, &${node.val}'
		prg.comment("mov rax, [rax]")
		prg.code << [u8(0x48), 0x8B, 0x00]
	else {}


That is it, I mean it.

You now have a simple, unoptimised and robust code generator for a basic calculator AST.

Let’s wrap it up by updating the driver code…

fn main() {
	mut r := readline.Readline{}
    mut symtable := map[string]i64

	for {
        mut l := Lexer {
            line: r.read_line(">>> ") or { break }

        if l.peek == .eof {
        root := expr(mut l, 0) or {
		if l.peek != .eof {
			println(term.fail_message("Syntax Error: trailing tokens after expression"))
        gen(root, mut prg, mut symtable) or {

		fnptr := prg.finalise()
		value := fnptr()

		if root.op != .assign {



Techniques like ASTs, parsers, JITs, and others aren’t new. Far from it actually. However, I find them very very interesting. It’s only a matter of time before I do some experimentation here and there.

As always, source code is always avaliable and preferred to copy pasting from here anyway.


New website, new blog, new style, new everything. Happy new year!

TY for coming in. cya!